Justice Albie Sachs: Reflections of Social Transformation
*This piece was original posted in the Social Enterprise Institute Newsletter.* To say the social transformations occurring in South Africa are sweeping would be an understatement. Only 19 years ago, the beautiful country was plagued with laws that incarcerated progressive leaders and suppressed any notion of majority rule in every industry. Today, new-found harmony amongst […]

Register to Vote!
Michael Leyba and Laura Mueller-Soppart October 13, 2012 US Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren, ‘Scrubs’ star Zach Braff, Boston City Councilor-At-Large Ayanna Pressley, and the NEU College Democrats hosted a rally at Northeastern’s Fenway Center. The importance of the Massachusetts race was palpable from the sheer diversity of the crowd to the speaks on stage. And […]

Summers versus Mankiw: How to Recover the Economy
Northeastern’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs is hosting an Open Classrooms series on “Policy Advice to the President.” The series is in debate format, two experts in a specific field give separate responses to a posed question, and field questions from the audience. Commencing the season’s series was Larry Summers and Greg Mankiw, […]

An Un-United Nations: How the International Body Is Failing the Syrian People
The deterioration of the human condition through violence mars history. Crimes such as slavery, forced deportation, and genocide have extinguished and defined populations. Unfortunately, crimes against humanity are not exclusive to ancestral pasts; humanity continuously faces grave challenges. During the first ten days of December 2011, one thousand Syrians lost their lives to political persecution. […]

What’s Easting U.S.? : Michelle Obama’s War on Childhood Obesity
First Lady Michelle Obama introduced a new ambitious national goal to her agenda this past February. Childhood obesity rates have steadily risen in the United States and Obama plans to solve the alarming increase of the disease within the next generation so that today’s children will be able to live adulthood at a healthy weight. […]

A New Beginning: Balancing Values and Interests in Obama’s Foreign Policy
Promoting and defending human rights has long challenged governments and policymakers. Some hardly bother and others give it their all. All governments balance their interests with their values. The United States has wavered back and forth between vocal and aggressive “democracy promotion” and realpolitik, often within the same administration. Most recent administrations have agreed on […]