The Team

Zoe Goffe,

Zoe is a third-year majoring in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. Fun fact: she’s double jointed in her right hand.

Anjali Aggarwal,

Anjali is a third-year majoring in Business and Economics with a concentration in Management. Fun fact: she’s ridden an elephant before.

Krishnamitra Prakash,

Krishna is a fourth-year majoring in Political Science and International Affairs. Fun fact: she’s zip lined over a rhino enclosure.

Digital Director

Alexander Buckley
Year: 4th
Major: Political Science and Journalism
Fun Fact: I’ve ridden a horse more times than I’ve driven a car

Treasurer, Columns Editor

Gya Gupta

Managing Editor

Jake Egelberg

Magazine Editor, Junior Columnist

Irena Zervas

Magazine Editor

Michelle Zhong

Magazine Editor

Margaret Barnes

Magazine Editor

Kennedy Little

Magazine Editor

Isabelle Young

Magazine Editor

Hannah Libelo


Meklit Abebe


Laura Weppner


Senam Apedo

Staff Writer

Mary Raines Alexander

Staff Writer

Mary Beirne

Staff Writer

Abbie O’Connor

Staff Writer

Olivia Mintz

Staff Writer

Saadhi Jakka

Staff Writer

Shreya Thalvayapati