Reflection on the State of the World
[slideshow_deploy id=’3739′] I returned to Paris on the morning of November 16. I had been in Spain during the attacks, enjoying Armistice Day, a holiday in remembrance of those who died in WWI. My bus got in at around 8 A.M., and I entered the Metro alongside multitudes of people on their way […]

Lifting the Veil on Laïcité: The Rise of Islamophobia in Europe
Islamophobia has been on the upswing throughout Europe recently, with the rise of anti-immigrant political parties and the implementation of discriminatory laws that directly target Muslims. The EU has long struggled with questions of identity that have only become more pronounced in recent years; the question “what defines Europe?” continues to pester EU leadership, its […]

European (Dis)Union
Lily is currently studying International Affairs and Economics at Sciences Po in Paris, France. Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, about 4 million refugees have fled the region, seeking safety from the violence and destruction left in the wake of ISIS and by the Assad regime’s brutal policies.[1] As people move westward, a […]

Resources, Education and Stigma: Deficits of the American Mental Health Care System
While America may not have a reputation as the world’s healthiest country, both state and local governments are working towards improving the health of the populace. Initiatives such as, First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign, New York City’s ban on large sugary beverages, and the requirement of restaurants and similar establishments to provide nutritional […]

Getting Off the Fence: Why Immigration Reform Can’t Wait
During President Obama’s first presidential campaign in 2008, he advocated for immigration reform on pivotal issues such as tightening borders, cracking down on employers of illegal immigrants, and establishing an “effective way to recognize and legalize undocumented workers who are here.”[1]The 2008 Democratic platform on immigration included plans for allowing illegals to “get right with […]

Growing Gender Gap Gripes Globe
The uncompromising reign of the patriarchy in most societies has unquestionably imposed detrimental effects on women, including political, economic and social discrepancies. Gender has only recently been interpreted as a social construct, independent and separate from the biological difference of sex. According to the World Health Organization, “’sex’ refers to the biological and physiological characteristics […]