House Forces Dreamers to Wake Up: A Legislative History of the Dream Act
Opportunity is often synonymous with the ‘American dream,’ but for one group of young dreamers it is embodied in the form of a tangible document on Capitol Hill. Comprehensive immigration reform is an elusive prospect, but one that is seemingly picking up momentum after the 2012 Presidential race forced Republicans to face the growing influence […]

Voto Latino: A Profile of Latino Voters in the United States
Pandering is a time honored tradition in American politics, and the national party conventions this year are proof. The cast of speakers at the Republican National Convention were familiar: Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul among others; even more impressive was the lineup of Hispanic names alongside, including Governor Susana Martinez, Governor Luis Fortuño […]

An Interview With Elizabeth Warren
Recently, NU Political Review Domestic Editor Sean Comi and Deputy Domestic Editor Mike Leyba had the opportunity to interview Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren. The following interview took place over two days, via phone and on Northeastern’s campus. Professor Warren begins by filling us in on what her campaign has been doing on college campuses. EW: […]

Register to Vote!
Michael Leyba and Laura Mueller-Soppart October 13, 2012 US Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren, ‘Scrubs’ star Zach Braff, Boston City Councilor-At-Large Ayanna Pressley, and the NEU College Democrats hosted a rally at Northeastern’s Fenway Center. The importance of the Massachusetts race was palpable from the sheer diversity of the crowd to the speaks on stage. And […]