
Boston Congestion: How a MBTA-Sponsored Bikeshare Can Help Massachusetts Reshape Their Transit Infrastructure

In 2024, Boston had the fourth highest congestion rate in the United States with each driver spending approximately seventy nine hours in traffic. On average, this cost each driver $1,414 and the city $2.7 billion in total. Beyond the nuisance and cost of sitting in traffic, congestion causes numerous health issues. The longer people commute […]

Trump Is Bad News For Justice

In his 2025 inaugural address, the commander-in-chief of the United States promised, among other things, that “the vicious, violent, and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department (DOJ) and our government [would] end.” This bold statement identifies three flawed, un-democratic characteristics within our Justice Department, and promises to bring these flaws to an “end.” This is […]

Trump, Social Media, and the Decline of Civility

The 2012 Presidential Debate between President Barack Obama and Senator Mitt Romney opens up with a cordial meeting: a handshake and congratulations on an anniversary. Viewers saw a constructive, mature discussion on policies between two opponents. Four years later, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton took the debate stage. The two threw around words like “crooked” […]

Stay in School, Democracy is Depending on You

Democracy: the esteemed pillar of American values that many deem as the foundational bedrock of the United States of America. An educated society is essential for a thriving democracy, as it empowers citizens to engage in critical discourse, make informed decisions, and safeguard democratic principles. Yet, with 54 percent of American adults holding literacy skills […]

Bookstores with Buttons: Section 230, AI, and Data Collection

A law derived from a 1950’s legal battle over obscene books currently dictates freedom of speech on the internet. Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act ruled that social media platforms cannot be blamed for the content posted on their site, just as a bookstore cannot be held liable for the sale of obscene […]

Make America Healthy Again: A Step Backwards for Public Health

America is not healthy. Despite being a world economic leader and carrying the designation of the “greatest country in the world,” the American life expectancy is 78.4 years, while the average for all other comparable countries is 82.5 years. Furthermore, the United States drastically outperforms its peer countries in negative birth outcomes, heart disease, chronic […]

Xylazine: An Undercover Antagonist in the Opioid Crisis

Xylazine, more commonly known as “tranq,” is a strong sedative that has been approved for veterinary use. Because xylazine is intended exclusively for veterinary use, its adverse effects on humans are not taken into consideration from a regulatory standpoint, putting users at risk. Its unique danger arises from its undetectability, as it’s not classified as […]

Trump’s Second Election and the Two Term Precedent

According to Jonathan Aitken in his biography Nixon: A Life, Richard Nixon would reportedly sulk alone in the Oval Office for multiple hours a day during the final months of the Watergate Scandal. Humiliated and desperate for companionship, Nixon forced his press secretary Ron Ziegler to drink with him for six to eight hour stretches; […]

Young, Divided, and Disillusioned: The Gender Gap Reshaping US Politics

The results of the 2024 election revealed an interesting new phenomenon: young men have become increasingly conservative while young women have become increasingly liberal. Despite general sentiments that younger generations have more progressive views, a different reality has slapped women across the face. 53 percent of men aged 18 to 29 voted for Donald Trump, […]

The 2016 and 2024 Election Results Reveal a Dangerous Truth About America

Shortly after the results of the 2016 election were finalized, Saturday Night Live (SNL) parodied the typical election watch-party. The skit depicts White, liberal voters gathered together, confident in the election of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton as the United States’ first female president. Their optimism parallelled the skepticism of comedian guests Dave Chapelle and Chris […]