When O’Reilly Attacks

On Tuesday, Bill O’Reilly took down another group of pesky liberals with his patented combination of condescension and gross misrepresentation. But this time his target was…Northeastern? Yes, our beloved school just got torched on the O’Reilly Factor for the following quote, which appears in an RA training pamphlet: “In order to have the experience of […]

Democracy Wins: The National Bailout Referendum in Greece

David is currently on co-op in Legraina, Greece, at the European Public Law Organization.   On July 5th, the citizens of Greece took to the polls to vote on a national referendum from which the direction of Greece’s debt negotiation with its European creditors would be determined. The choice of a referendum was an unprecedented […]

Counterbalance: When Policies Die and Elections Begin

For some, politics has always been a topic of interest. For others, it wasn’t until Kevin Spacey, Kate Mara (RIP) and Robin Wright took the screen to produce one of the most influential political drama series since the West Wing. House of Cards season 3 aired on Netflix at midnight (PST) on February 27, leaving […]

Unpegged: The Floating Swiss Franc and Implications for the Euro Zone

Several years ago, the Euro Zone experienced a crippling blow to its economy when Greece was on the verge of a full-on economic collapse. During the crisis, Greece endured high unemployment, overly high structural deficits, and a dangerously elevated debt-to-GDP ratio. Though the Greek economy is slowly piecing itself back together, especially with a new […]

From K-Dot to Kunta: The New Fate of Kendrick Lamar

Compton, California has birthed its fair share of artists who have gone on to make a mark in the rap and hip hop industry, but it’s Dr. Dre’s protege, Kendrick Lamar who has taken the industry by storm. Formerly known as K-Dot,  the rapper’s Section.80, and good kid, m.A.A.d city have all been critically acclaimed. […]

Fossil Fuel Divestment: Our Path to a Livable Future

As the climate crisis worsens, it is becoming clear that action must be taken to prevent further deterioration of our environment. As a society, sustainable living needs to become a priority to preserve the Earth and save resources for future generations. One of the major problems we are currently facing is our reliance on fossil […]

Bigger Than History: What Selma’s Portrayal of LBJ Really Means

In one of the opening scenes of the Oscar-nominated film Selma, released this past December, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. pays President Lyndon B. Johnson a visit at the White House to discuss discriminatory voting laws in the South. Dr. King wants President Johnson to vigorously pursue new legislation that would take away the ability […]

Organoponicos: The Light of Cuba Agriculture and a Case Study for Peak Oil

One of the most prevalent questions floating between political analysts, political scientists, students, and everyday educated American citizens concerns the state of post-embargo Cuba. What aspects of Cuban society will change or even disappear, and what aspects will resist outside influence? Over the past five decades, Cuba has developed multiple unique systems against the grain […]

Ayotzinapa: Mexico´s Pandora´s Box

During this past year, Mexico experienced one of the worst crimes in recent memory — the kidnap and murder of almost 50 students. The magnitude of this atrocity has not been seen in the country since the Tlatelolco Massacre, which occurred on October 2, 1968. Over 500 students were wounded and killed by the police, […]

Carbon-Credit Strategies: REDD+ and an Analysis of Mexico’s Legal Framework

Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), parties of the UN are working towards the ultimate objective of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system. Negotiations take place at annual Conference of Parties (COP) meetings, and the COP — […]