A Liberal’s Case Against Hillary Clinton
I am like you. Many eons ago, when the Democratic Presidential nomination engines were first starting to tumble and rev, I bought into the very same conventional wisdom. Hillary Clinton was a better candidate than Bernie Sanders. At the very least, she was more realistic. Right? For starters, her resumé is, at a glance, top-notch. […]

The Only Thing We Have to Fear
It was well into Thursday’s GOP debate in Miami when Republican presidential frontrunner and Nazi literature authority Donald Trump was finally asked to answer for the numerous instances of racial violence that’ve gone down at his rallies across the country. This was going to be good. The audience seemed to take one long, monolithic inhale […]

A (Not-So-Brief) Rundown of the Best Show on TV
Following an evening of serious number crunching, tough algorithms, and even tougher decisions, the 2016 Presidential campaign report cards are finally in. Now that the dust has settled on last Monday’s historic and exciting presidential primary in New Hampshire, the candidates are gearing up for the next showdowns in South Carolina and Nevada. Some candidates […]

The Invisible Man Who Won’t Disappear
At this point in Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, it is no longer a secret to anyone paying attention that the Vermont senator is an immensely popular figure in American politics. On October 3, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Sanders attracted a max-capacity crowd of over 20,000 people.[1] It was his third most popular […]

Thoughts and Prayers
Since the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11, the federal government has expended incredible amounts of time, energy and capital on the image of American protection from foreign terrorism. The nation watched on live television as the Twin Towers caught fire and fell to the ground in New York City, and the Bush administration wasted […]