Competing with Free: Innovative Solutions to Online Piracy
In 2014, the online file-sharing site The Pirate Bay was temporarily shut down — only to be back up within a matter of days.[1] Likewise, Kickass Torrents had its domain seized on the grounds of copyright infringement, only to be back in operation days later.[2] For every file-sharing site that is taken down, another pops […]

Encryption is Not Terrorism
“Do we want to allow a means of communication between people which we cannot read?” Prime Minister David Cameron asked the press, attempting to propose a ban on services which offer “end-to-end” encrypted messaging.[1] Simply put, encryption is the technology used to protect data. When users wish to protect their data— passwords, bank account […]

Know Thy Enemy: Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century
“It’s the great irony of our Information Age – the very technologies that empower us to create and to build also empower those who would disrupt and destroy.”[1] Referring to the 2010 hacking attacks on Google and several other companies in various industries, President Obama demonstrates the new type of threat that the world is […]

Net Neutrality and the Monopoly on Information
The Internet today is a vast ocean of data being downloaded, uploaded and transmitted all over the world at lightning fast speeds. Our current dependence on technology has become so fundamental that we are now considered to be living in the “Information Age.” Not only is the breadth of information seemingly limitless, but is also […]