GOP 2016: Looking to the Past, Present, and Future for the Republican Strategy
With the 2012 election firmly in the rear view mirror, Republicans have spent the better part of 2013 reflecting on their loss in the presidential race and rebranding the party image. Despite retaining a majority in the House of Representatives, the GOP has conceded that the landscape for a presidential election is entirely different. In […]

The Smearing of a Good Man
Politics, as we all know, is a dirty game. As Mitt Romney settles into his new role as the prospective Republican nominee and President Obama focuses on his re-election, both sides have begun trading barbs in what will likely be a bloodbath of an election. Every presidential election features some sort of negative campaigning. Challengers […]

Shining Light on Hypocrisy: The Dharun Ravi Case
When an individual In the United States faces criminal charges, the burden of proof falls upon the prosecution, not the defense. It seems odd then that former Rutgers student, Dharun Ravi, was accused and convicted of bias intimidation though the prosecution failed to produce one witness or one single shred of evidence. Ravi was brought […]

Romney vs. Obama: History Favors Romney
In my last article, I outlined the reasons why I believe Mitt Romney still has the best chance of the remaining GOP candidates to win his party’s nomination. While it may be far too early to predict the results of the election, the intrigue of this hypothetical matchup begs for more in-depth analysis. Assuming that […]

What Super Tuesday Means to the GOP
On Tuesday, Republican voters from 10 states will take to the polling booths. They will decide whether to establish Mitt Romney as the nominee or drag out the nomination process for several more months. This comes at a time when President Obama has benefited from the bickering between Romney and Rick Santorum and has seen […]

Romney Still GOP Frontrunner
If his victory in Arizona and Michigan this past week is any indication, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is poised to win the 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination and face President Obama in the general election. This certainty stems in part from the relatively weak pool of GOP candidates. Each has overtaken or gained momentum on […]

Mumbai Bleeds Again: An Ongoing Security Crisis
The recent bombings in Mumbai, which killed 26 people and injured 130 more, are a grim reminder of how far Indian security has yet to go in effectively maintaining order and eradicating terrorism within its own borders.i Such occurrences threaten India’s stability at a time when it is hoping to establish itself as a leading […]

Yemen: The New Frontier in the Global Fight Against Terrorism
Recent shifts in American security policy, including the killing of Osama bin Laden and dismantling of Al-Qaeda along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, indicate that Al-Qaeda operations are no longer centered in the Af-Pak region but rather in the often overlooked nation of Yemen. A poor country in the Gulf of Aden, Yemen has been a stronghold […]