
American DREAM: Delayed or Denied?

Over the last decade, policy makers in the United States continually pledged to make reformations to the policies surrounding immigration. This period of time has shown quite clearly that comprehensive reform is almost politically impossible. While the push for full-scale improvements has continued, there has also been an attempt to approach the problem pragmatically. By […]

The Real Value of Vermont Yankee

Vermont Yankee (VY) is the only nuclear reactor in the state of Vermont and the second oldest in the country. While President Obama has committed his administration’s energy agenda to galvanizing a nuclear energy renaissance, on February 24, 2010 the Vermont Senate decided, twenty-six to four, in favor of concluding VY operations.[i] Unless the Senate […]

The Kids Don’t Stand A Chance: Opposing the Repeal of National Health Care

Franklin Pierce is surely applauding modern day Republicans’ and their effort to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and as unaware of the times Pierce would be today, I believe the same can be said for modern day Republicans. In 1854, Pierce vetoed the first proposal of a federally sponsored social program that […]

From the Barrel of a Gun

With the tragic shooting in Arizona splashed across the American media, there has been a flood of commentary attempting to make sense of the senseless act of violence. Amongst them are commentators who have pointed their antagonism towards the second amendment and the level of gun ownership within our country. Writers have pointed to the […]

Big Girls Don’t Cry

Big Girls Don’t Cry: The Election That Changed Everything for American Women by Rebecca Traister is a thorough analysis of the roles women played in the groundbreaking election cycle of 2008. Traister examines the actions and impact of all the obvious participants, including Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Obama, as well as those whose […]

Un Prophéte: 2009 French Film

The romantic allure of Paris often obscures American perceptions of French film. French cinema can be as gritty and moody as that of any other country. In recent years, critical favorites, such as Marion Cotillard’s Oscar-winning performance in La Vie en Rose (140min, 2007) and the cult hit Amélie (122min, 2001), have allowed French movies […]

The Voice of the Dolphins, and Other Stories

The Voice of the Dolphins, by Leo Szilard, brings into question the many sociopolitical paradigms exposed at the height of the Cold War, since shuffled behind a red curtain stained with shapes of hammers and sickles. The hardheaded diplomacy of the 1960s clouds the vital questions that the ideological struggle was essentially based on: the […]

The Politics of Sound

Words have never been enough.  While the brain can process thousands of feelings and sensations every minute, spoken language will forever be a bottleneck that retards the sharing or expression of sensations from one person to the next.  Think about it – how often are you left struggling to relay a thought to a colleague […]

A Little More Conversation: Reshaping the Abortion Debate on Campus

This March, NU Right to Life faced a series of hostile attacks after hosting the University’s first “Respect Life Week”. The organization, seeking to promote a culture of life amongst the student population, found itself under fire from students who felt that Student Activities Fee (SAF) money should not be spent on what they considered […]

Against the Revolted Multitudes: Why A Lie is More Scandalous Than the Truth

Was there ever a time when people trusted politicians?  Given the United State’s democratic system of governance, the men and women that preside over our daily lives are supposed to be the few among us who are capable of leading America toward prosperity.  While mankind is rife with destructive inadequacies and backward tendencies, a select […]