Northeastern University Libertarians’ Government Shutdown Opinion
The looming government “slowdown” is distinct from the debt ceiling, which is in turn distinct from the United States going bankrupt. The issue is whether the government has the legal authority to spend money on non-essential services. The debt ceiling is about whether it can legally borrow more money. The debt ceiling will come up […]

Political Group Profiles
The three Campus Political Groups providing insight on our forum are the Northeastern University College Democrats, the Northeastern University College Republicans, and the Northeastern University Libertarians. Please click on any of the below pictures to learn more about each group.

An Incident NOT Blown Out of Proportion: A Response to Marines Urinating on Taliban
The media response to the Marines-peeing-on-dead-Afghans incident was, in my opinion, not harsh enough. In his “Incident Blown Out of Proportion,” piece, Michael Fox argues that Americans should not waste their time feeling moral outrage for dead terrorists. It is clear that the soldiers in question wanted to humiliate the deceased, even into death. The […]

Incident Blown Out of Proportion: A Deeper Look into U.S. Policy Abroad
As video recently surfaced showing four U.S. Marines urinating over the bodies of three deceased Taliban fighters, U.S. government officials became concerned that this could incite anti-American sentiment around the world. This public outcry made me realize just how flawed some American’s outlook on the world really is. This fear is especially focused on Afghanistan […]

Point-Counterpoint: Wikileaks, The Importance of Information Asymmetry: In Defense of Secrecy
Secrecy is a necessary part of government in the modern information age where an event can happen one moment and be reported to the whole world the next. According to former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis Mark M. Lowenthal, secrecy is a essential for successful intelligence operations. Classified information collected and retained by […]

Point-Counterpoint: Wikileaks, Open the Vault: Against Government Secrecy
We are fashioned to accept truths, to conform to the narrative of our leaders. To question the authority or legitimacy of the powers that be can be dangerous. Most people accept the rules set out for them by government, even if they do not fully understand or see the supposed benefits of the social contract. […]