The Cause for, Victim of, and Cure to Gay Loneliness
For five years of my life, I lived openly and unapologetically as a gay man. Twelve years old and gay as all hell, I was not a typical middle-school student you would find in 2012, even in my hometown of Long Beach in Southern California. And when the world didn’t end that December, I thought, […]

Colombia’s Eternal War May Finally Rest in Peace
What do you first think of when I say I’m Colombian? Coffee? Sofia Vergara? James Rodríguez? Maybe. But I would be surprised if most of you didn’t first think about cocaine, Pablo Escobar, or Netflix’s Narcos. Truth be told, that image is not entirely unreasonable. There was a time during the 1980s and 1990s when […]

SGA Tramples Student Speech…Again
Sara O’Brien is the President of Northeastern University Students for Justice in Palestine. Late Sunday night, I received an email from Eric Tyler, President of the Student Government Association, presenting the Cabinet’s decision on the referendum that Students for Justice in Palestine put forward for consideration. SGA’s memo did not contain a by-person voting record, […]

Democracy Wins: The National Bailout Referendum in Greece
David is currently on co-op in Legraina, Greece, at the European Public Law Organization. On July 5th, the citizens of Greece took to the polls to vote on a national referendum from which the direction of Greece’s debt negotiation with its European creditors would be determined. The choice of a referendum was an unprecedented […]

With Nationalism Comes Responsibility
Alexander Carlin is a participant in the Qatar Fellowship sponsored by the National Council on US Arab Relations, and recently completed a study visit to Qatar in conjunction with their US Embassy, in order to meet civil society leaders and members of the Qatari government. From King Louis XIV of France’s bid to solidify power, […]

Diverse Dialogues: Perspectives on Microfinance in Latin America
This past May, Northeastern’s Social Enterprise Institute (SEI) led its fifth Dialogue of Civilizations program to the Dominican Republic. As part of the College of Business Administration, SEI is a driving force behind many Northeastern initiatives to channel enterprise-based solutions toward advancing the developing world. Unlike a majority of other Dialogues, this month abroad […]