Episode 17: “Global Health Institutions and the Importance of Leadership” with Carlos Arriaga Serrano

Bryan interviews Ph.D. student Carlos Arriaga Serrano about his most recent piece at NUPR, regarding COVID-19, global health organizations, and the need for good global governance. The conversation expands out to discussions on climate change work, and what the future holds for the role of supranational organizations. Make sure to check out Carlos’ piece for yourself at nupoliticalreview.com.

If you have any questions or comments about NUPR-spectives or if you’re a Northeastern University student interested in appearing as a guest on the show, please reach out to .

Music courtesy of Cooper Gould and « Funky Element » from Bensound.com.

Photo Credit: United State Mission Geneva via Flickr. CC BY-ND 2.0. https://flic.kr/p/9J42FX

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