Episode 8: “The 2020 Elections”

Photo by Adam Schultz

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In the wake of the 2020 Elections, Max sits down with a panel of NUPR contributors to discuss the results and implications of the elections. Alex Jarecki, Stephanie Luiz, Noah Colbert, and Taraneh Azar address questions about why the election turned out the way it did, what it means for political parties and factions, and the impact that Generation Z has on the elections and politics in general.

Check out nupoliticalreview.com for more from the panelists and other NUPR writers.

If you have any questions or comments about NUPR-spectives or if you’re a Northeastern University student interested in appearing as a guest on the show, please reach out to nuprpodcast@gmail.com. If you’re interested in publishing an article, check out the submission page here.

Music: « Funky Element » from Bensound.com

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